Contact Fields

Contact Fields are bits of additional information you can attach to your TxtSquad contacts. By default, you can store their name, address, email and phone number, but by using Contact Fields you can attach anything else you might need to know about them. You can use the values in these fields in messages in order to personalize messages and to create segments.

There are five types:

Drop Down Contact Fields are fields that offer only a limited selection of valid inputs.

Number Contact Fields are fields that can only have numbers as a valid input.

Checkbox Contact Fields are fields that only have two states, checked or unchecked, or in other words, true or false.

Date Contact Fields are fields that can only store a date, such as a birthday or signup date.

Text Contact Fields are fields that are more open and allow you to store anything as the value.

Viewing Contact Fields

You can find all of your contact fields by clicking your name on the top right, selecting Settings from the drop down, then selecting Contact Fields under Squad Settings.

Creating Contact Fields

Go to the Contact Fields page by clicking your name on the top right, selecting Settings from the drop down, then selecting Contact Fields under Squad Settings.

Then, to start creating a Contact Field, click the Create Contact Field button.

Enter the Field Name and the type. For drop down fields, enter each selection on a new line in the Field Options text area.

Once you’ve named your field, selected its type and, for drop down fields, filled in the field options, click Submit to save.

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