
Keywords are words or phrases that, when received in a message, automatically apply a tag to a contact.

To view your active keywords, go to the Automations page from the left side navigation pane, then click Keywords.

Creating a Keyword

To create a keyword, click the Create Keyword button from the Keyword Page.

From here, there are a few steps to setting up a keyword.

This is the keyword that will trigger the action. Keywords are not case sensitive, but we recommend using all capital letters for emphasis that it is a keyword.

Select the tag to apply when the keyword has been received.

Confirmation Message and Confirmation Message Timeout are optional. You can send a response automatically when a keyword is received to let your contact know that you have received their submission. The time out refers to how long the contact is blocked from receiving the same confirmation message again.

Choose whether the keyword is for new contacts or for all contacts. If new contacts are selected, current contacts that send the keyword will not have the tag applied nor will they receive the confirmation message.

Limit how many times a contact can complete this keyword. For most cases, 1 is plenty, unless you re-use the keyword multiple times.

Once you have set all of the options, click Create Keyword.

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