
Segments are a collection of rules or filters that are used to create a segment of your audience. They are built up using tags, contact fields, and other attributes of your contacts. Segments are used in broadcasting to select your audience.

View Segments

To view your list of segments, click the Contact page from the left side navigation bar and select the Segments tab from just below the heading.

Creating Segments

To create a segment, click the Create Segment button on the top left side of the segment table.

All segments must have a name, and optionally can have a description. Enter the information you wish for your tag then click the Create button.

Editing a Segment

After you create your segment, you will be brought to the edit segment page.

To set up your segment, you must add conditions. Otherwise, it will always contain all contacts.

First, click the Add Condition button. This will bring up a drop down asking you to choose a filter.

You can use any of the above filters to base your segment on.

Choosing "Tag" allows you to build a segment of people who either have or do not have a specified tag applied to them

Choosing "Custom Field" allows you to build your segment based on the information stored in custom fields.

You are able to add multiple conditions to your segment to further narrow down your contact list.

Once you have all of the conditions set, click Save Segment on the bottom right side to update the segment conditions. This will also update the contacts in the segment, which you can view by clicking the Contacts tab below the heading.

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