Hubspot Integration

Our Hubspot integration allows you to share your contact information and message history back and forth between Hubspot and TxtSquad.

To get started, head to the Settings page by clicking your name on the top right hand side of the screen, then clicking Settings.

To get started, click the Connect Hubspot Account button. This will open a pop up asking you to authorise connecting to Hubspot.

Once connected, you will be brought to the Integration Settings page.

There are three settings:

Push New Contacts to Hubspot: Enabling this setting will attempt to match any new TxtSquad contact with a Hubspot contact. If none are found, it will create one.

Push Message History to Contact Timeline: Enabling this setting will create events on the a matching contact’s Hubspot Timeline for each message sent and received by them in TxtSquad going forward.

Enable Hubspot Webhooks for New Contacts: Enabling this setting will create a new contact in TxtSquad when they are created in Hubspot.

To sync your contacts with Hubspot, press the Create Hubspot Import button.

Importing Hubspot Data

To start your sync, first choose the settings you would like at the top.

Overwrite Existing Contacts: Enabling this setting will allow any data in Hubspot to overwrite data for the same phone number in TxtSquad. If a phone number is found in Hubspot with different contact information than the phone number in TxtSquad, enabling this setting will allow the Hubspot data to overwrite the TxtSquad data. Push Message History to Hubspot for Existing Contacts: If any contacts exist in both TxtSquad and Hubspot, enabling this setting create events on the contact’s timeline in Hubspot for each message that was sent and received by that contact in TxtSquad.

Create New Contacts: Enabling this setting will create new TxtSquad contacts for any Contact that exists in Hubspot with a phone number.

Hubspot Contact Lists: Choose a list from your Hubspot Contact Lists to sync.

Tags to Apply: Choose a tag in TxtSquad to apply to any contact that was created or updated with this sync.

Once you have set your settings, click Start Import to begin the contact sync. Note that the contact sync may take a few minutes depending on the size of the list.

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