Creating Appointments

To create an appointment for a contact, first head to the Appointments page. From here, click the Create Appointment button on the top left side of the screen.

Next, select if you would like to create an appointment for an existing contact or a brand new contact.

If they are an existing contact, click the Select Contact drop down and start typing the contact’s name to find them and select the correct contact. If not, enter their name and phone number in the boxes provided.

Next, select the appointment type, which physician will handle the appointment, and the location of the appointment. Set the Date, Time, and Appointment Length, plus any additional notes you’d like to store on the appointment.

Finally, select whether you would like to use your Default Appointment Reminder for this appointment, and if not, which appointment reminder you would like to use instead. Your Default Appointment Reminder plus any additional appointment reminders can be configured in the appointment configuration settings.

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