Appointment Reminders

Set up appointment reminders to automatically send out reminders to your contacts before their appointment, or follow up after their appointment.

To get started, head to the appointments page and click the cog wheel icon on the top right side near the search bar, then select Setup Appointment Reminder Template

This will bring you to the appointment reminders page. To create a reminder, click the Create Appointment Reminder button to show the Create Appointment Reminder pop-up. Fill in the name and a description, and choose whether this will become the new default reminder or not. Once it’s named, clicked Submit to continue to the next step.

n appointment reminder can have mutliple steps. It can send out more than one reminder per appointment at different times or even follow up after an appointment happens.

The first step is to name and compose the first reminder message. You can use any fields present on your contact or on the appointment to compose this message. For exmaple, the message “Hi [[first_name]], this is a reminder that you have an appointment with us at [[appointment_time]] on [[appointment_date]].” will substitute the relevant information into the text message.

Optionally, if you are using this reminder to confirm an appointment, check the Prompt Appointment Confirmation checkbox. This will let TxtSquad know that you are expecting a yes or no response to this question. If you do not wish to use this reminder to confirm the appointment, leave the checkbox blank.

Once you have composed the message, press Next to continue.

At this stage, select whether you would like the message to be sent before or after the appointment. Then set the amount of time before or after the appointment that the message is sent out. For typical appointment reminders you would set a time before the appointment, but you might want to add a follow up message after an appointment encouraging the contact to re-book or to ask for feedback.

Once you have set the time that the message will send in relation to the appointment, click Next to continue.

On this step you can review all of the information you’ve entered about the appointment reminder so far. Once you are satisfied with the message and the timing, click Finish to continue.

An appointment reminder must be “Started” before it can be used to send out reminders. Click the Start Appointment Reminder button from the View Appointment Reminder page to start it. After that, you can add more messages to your reminder by clicking the Add Message button on the top right.

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