Birthday Messages

TxtSquad allows you to send automated birthday texts to your contacts. If you store a birthday on your contacts using the Birthday field, you can set up a message that will be sent to them automatically once on their birthday.

To get started, head to the Automations page from the sidebar on the left and select Birthday Message.

Enabling a Birthday Message

To enable a birthday message, first you will need to slide the “Enable Birthday Message” slider on. Then, select the time of day that you’d like the birthday message to be sent. This time goes off of your squad’s default time zone. To change your squad’s timezone, first head to the Settings page from the dropdown on the top right side of the screen, then select Update Squad Info. Here you will find a drop down to select which time zone is your squad’s default time zone.

Once you’ve enabled the message and selected a time, use the Message section to compose the message you’d like to send. You can use template fields to personalise the message, or use a script you have saved previously.

When you’re happy with the message that you’ve written, press Create to save the message.

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