Appointment Broadcasts
Appointment Broadcast
If you need to alert upcoming appointment holders about changes or cancellations in bulk, you can use the Appointment Broadcast feature. An Appointment Broadcast will send a message to everyone with an appointment in a specified date range. Its perfect for snowstorms, water breaks, or anything else that might temporarily close your clinic.
To send an appointment broadcast, first head to the Broadcast page from the left side navigation page.
Here you will see a history of all past broadcasts as well as three buttons along the top, allowing you to create different types of broadcasts.
Mini Broadcasts allow you to send a broadcast to individuals selected from your list. This is useful when you have a handful of people who you need to send a message to that arent related in a group or an appointment day.
Appointment Broadcasts allow you to send a broadcast to people with appointments within specified date ranges.
Mass Broadcasts let you send a broadcast to all people in a tag or segment.
To continue, click the Appointment Broadcast button.
On this page you’ll see two input boxes; the broadcast name and the broadcast message. Every broadcast needs a name but it’s never sent out with the texts. It's strictly for internal use so that you can find the broadcast in the future. Underneath, write the message you need to send out to people, then click Next.
On this step, select the range of appointments you would like to send a message to. For example, in the screenshot above, a message will be sent to every person who has an appointment in the system between 9am and 6pm on February 14th, 2025. Once you’ve selected both the start date and end date, the Total Audience Size counter will be displayed at the bottom to show how many people have appointments within that date range. When you’re ready to proceed, click Next.
Finally, you will be brought to the Finalise screen. Here you can choose when to send the message. If you just want to send it right away, click Finish. The broadcast will start sending out within 30 seconds of the start time, and depending on how many people are in the audience. On average, messages will send at a rate of 3 per second, so if you have a few hundred messages that will take a few minutes, but a few thousand messages may take over an hour.
If you have any questions or concerns about these broadcasts, please reach out to support.